April 18, 2022

20 Years in VC, unlocking growth and supporting startups, by Tae Hea Nahm

20 Years in VC, unlocking growth and supporting startups, by Tae Hea Nahm

Tae Hea Nahm, Managing Director and Co-Founder at Storm Ventures in this episode talks about his experience working as an attorney and helping startup founders raise money for their companies, and eventually starting a VC fund of his own. We also spoke about his book "Survival To Thrival", why he wrote it and what was the affect on his fund.

Tae's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tnahm/

Storm ventures: https://www.stormventures.com/

Here is the list of podcasts about fundraising (some of them are non-profit fundraisings but still) - https://blog.feedspot.com/fundraising_podcasts/